Supplier Communication

    Tube-Fab Ltd. is dedicated to delivering services and products that provide complete satisfaction to our customers. 

    We are committed to building quality partnerships with our customers by consistently providing quality products, optimized processing, and on-time delivery.    To support this commitment, Tube-Fab Ltd. has established a Quality Management System that will meet the AS9100 Standard.

     This commitment is further demonstrated through:

    • Ensuring adequate and on-going training is provided to our employees
    • Adhering to proven procedures
    • Our total devotion to meeting and exceeding all requirements
    • Continually reviewing and improving the effectiveness of our Quality Management System
    •  Tube-Fab Ltd. Management

    Purchase Orders Terms, Conditions and Quality Assurance Provisions

    These provisions define the requirements beyond those defined by the drawing(s) and/or specification(s) and are stated on our purchase orders to clarify and better communicate performance agreements of both parties.

    Specification Revisions:
    Latest revisions of each specification shall be used unless is requested in detail by Tube-Fab Ltd.

    Policy Requirements
    Supplier will comply with all regulations including but not limited to, Health & Safety, Customs, International Traffic in Arms, Canadian Controlled Goods Registration program and Transportation.

    QMS Requirements  
    Suppliers shall maintain a QMS (including where applicable a third party certification) that satisfies both Tube-Fab and its customer’s QMS   requirements. Suppliers QMS evaluations will be performed by Tube-Fab to ensure compliance.

    Control of Changes 
    Suppliers shall notify Tube-Fab of the changes in product and/or process definition, sub-tiers, facilities and, where required, obtain organization approval.

    Personnel Qualifications
    Suppliers personnel performing work affecting Tube-Fab product quality shall be competent on the basis of appropriate skills, experience and, where applicable, valid certification.

    Use of Sub-tier Suppliers
    Supplier shall not sub contract Tube-Fab Purchase Orders.

    Record Retention
    All applicable records and documentation associated with the products, goods and services purchases must be retained by    supplier for minimum 10    years. Suppliers shall provide all records to Tube-Fab, when unable to retain records at their facilities for the specified years and/or prior to destroying them.

    Tube-Fab will pick up all its goods otherwise indicated on the Purchase Order.

    Product/Process Changes 
    Supplier must advise Tube-Fab Ltd. in advance of any product or  process changes that affect products, goods or services delivered to our facility and where required obtain written approval prior to delivery of such  products, goods or services.

    Supplier must package products in such a way that they are protected from  physical damage and the environment. Damage that occurs in transit is the responsibility of the Supplier.

    Right of Entry
    Supplier agrees to grant access by our organization, our customers and  regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of all facilities, at any level of  the supply chain involved in the order and to all applicable records.

    Tube-Fab Acceptance
    Upon receipt, the articles ordered under this purchase order and  documentation are subject to final acceptance by Tube-Fab Ltd.

    First Article Inspection
    The product being supplied against this purchase order is subject to FAI.

    Required Certifications shall accompany each shipment.

    Material Certification:

    • The proof of origin of all metals sold to Tube-Fab Ltd.
    • Raw material must come from no more than two heat numbers.

    Special Processing Certification:
    Certificate shall include a description (type, grade, finish, thickness etc.) of the process as required by the applicable drawings and/or specifications and shall state the type and results of any inspection and/or tests performed including, where applicable, test specimens.           

    Counterfeit Parts Avoidance and Substitution Control
     Only OEM/OCM or their franchised distributors are allowed to deliver hardware products. Hardware shall be new and authentic. No counterfeit or suspect counterfeit parts are to be contained within the delivered products. Documentation shall be provided that authenticates traceability to the applicable OCM/OEM. Original certificates of conformance from OCM/OEM shall be provided for all delivered items. In the event that the suppliers become aware of delivering a suspect counterfeit product, the suppliers shall notify Tube-Fab Ltd. within 1 working day of counterfeit identification and are encouraged to report to the government industry       data exchange program (GIDEP). The counterfeit items shall be destroyed beyond their reconstruction and a record of destruction shall be provided containing the date of destruction and a clear identification of the material such as part number and quantity destroyed.

    Modern Slavery (Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking)
    Please click the link to view TFL modern slavery (anti slavery and human trafficking) policy.

    Supplier agrees to maintain confidentiality of and not use and disclose drawings, specifications, technical information or any other data supplied by Tube-Fab Ltd.
    Payment terms of Tube-Fab Ltd. Purchase Orders are 60 days unless otherwise indicated.

    Non-Conforming Products/Services
    Suppliers shall submit notification to Tube-Fab Ltd. of any nonconforming product and/or material and to have it quarantined at their facility until the disposition approval is received.

    Parts that require processing shall be inspected by the supplier upon receipt for any dents, scratches and/or other kind of damages and report findings immediately to Tube-Fab Ltd. prior to commencing the work.   Suppliers will be held liable for any damages found once processing is completed.

    First Article Inspection
    When specified on Purchase Order, Supplier must provide samples for evaluation accompanied by an AS9102B FAI Report, prior to manufacturing of the whole quantity ordered. This report may be in any format suitable to the supplier's system but must contain variable data for 100% of all drawings characteristics and account for 100% of all other features such as drawing notes and processes and must be representative of production processes actually used. The FAI report shall be consistent with the requirements of AS9102 (latest revision), Aerospace First Article Inspection Requirement. All FAI submissions and supporting documentation must be forwarded electronically to Quality Manager at Tube-Fab prior to the delivery of the first production lot.
    Products already accepted by FAI shall repeat FAI or delta FAI under the following conditions:

    • A change affecting fit, form or function of the part.
    • A change in manufacturing source(s), process(es), inspection method(s), location of manufacture, tooling or materials, that can potentially affect fit, form or function.
    • A change in numerical control program or translation to another media that can potentially affect fit, form or function.
    • A natural or man-made event, which may adversely affect the manufacturing process.
    • One-year lapse in production.

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